Treadmill Training
Sections in this leaflet
What is Treadmill Training?
Treadmill training involves intervals of walking at different speeds on a treadmill, with each interval lasting a few minutes. The speed is calculated according to your natural walking speed and identifies a slower, natural and faster pace at which to work.
The evidence has shown that walking at these different speeds for set intervals on the treadmill can help to improve walking in everyday environments.
The majority of studies have been in Parkinson’s Disease where slowing of walking is often a symptom but is beginning to bet tested in other conditions.
Can I just walk outside instead?
Although walking is excellent exercise the research shows walking on a treadmill in particular has added benefits over that of outside walking alone.
What should I wear?
Please wear comfortable footwear and clothing that you are happy to exercise in.
What else should I bring?
Bottle of water. Any medications due during your appointment.
How many sessions will I get?
At your first session you will have your walking speed and balance checked to helped identify our starting settings. You will then use the treadmill this first session and have three further sessions after this prior to these measures being repeated. Depending on this review the results can guide if you would benefit from further sessions.
Who will meet me at the gym?
The sessions are usually with a Physiotherapy Assistant – Sherene or Beth – who will show you how to use the treadmill safely and guide you through the various intervals.
What do I do between sessions?
You will be advised on appropriate exercise to complete between sessions and can be discussed at any of your appointments if you are unsure.
If you are attending Oxsrad gym
The car park is permit parking. Please ask at reception for a pass which you can put in your car window and allow you to park without charge.
Who do I contact if I can’t make an appointment?
Please contact the treating clinician, not the gym. You can do this via email
General guidance: Contact us
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Community healthPage last reviewed: 20 December, 2024