PALS: Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Sections in this leaflet
What does the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) do?
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust aims to provide high quality care and services for our patients but sometimes we don’t get it right. PALS can help you when you with:
- advice or information
- support to sort out a local concern or problem quickly
- the opportunity to make a compliment, comment or suggestion to improve our services
- help with raising a formal complaint
PALS is a free and confidential service provided separately from clinical services. You can use PALS if you are being seen by any of the trust’s services or if you are a friend or family member of someone who is using a service.
PALS offer information about:
- mental health issues generally
- Oxford Health NHS FT services
- other NHS services and local community resources
PALS offer advice on:
- how to use a service
- how to make decisions about your care and treatment
- how to sort out any problems, disagreements or misunderstandings
If you cannot sort out a problem with a trust service on your own PALS can listen and help you to get your voice heard. We help you get the answers you need about:
- why something has gone wrong
- why particular treatments may not be available or recommended
- they can put you in contact with voluntary organisations, support groups and advocacy services
PALS work closely with staff to make sure you get the information, advice and support you need.
If we cannot answer your question, we will put you in touch with someone who can help you.
The trust welcomes compliments so that good practice can be identified and shared across the trust. We always make sure any comments are passed onto the members of staff or team who are praised.
Please call or send any compliments or suggestions to PALS.
What if I just want to make a complaint?
We try first of all to sort out problems by talking to you and liaising with the relevant services, but if you want to make a formal complaint, PALS can help.
To find out more about how to make a complaint or independent help and advice please see the trust’s leaflet ‘How to make a complaint’.
You can also provide feedback about your experiences of the trust’s services through either the Patient Opinion Website ( or NHS website (
Contact PALS
If you have a concern about a service provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, please contact us.
- Switchboard: 01865 901 000
- Phone: 0800 328 7971
- Email:
- Website:
Service available Monday to Friday from 9.30am until 4.30pm (24 hour answerphone)
Looking for different PALS?
If you are receiving care from another NHS trust, please use the link below to find the relevant contact details.
General guidance: Contact us
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters,
Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XN
- Switchboard: 01865 901 000
- Email:
- Website:
Become a member of our Foundation Trust:
Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2024