Memory and cognition research delivery team

Who are we?

The memory and cognition research team is an experienced team of research nurses, therapists and practitioners.

The people who take part in our studies have memory problems, like mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and other types of dementia.

What do we do?

We carry out different types of research, including:

  • one-off questionnaires
  • studies which involve a therapy or intervention provided at home
  • more involved clinic-based drug studies

You can see the studies we are currently recruiting to at In addition, we are always planning a variety of new studies.

Getting involved

How do you get involved in research?

  • A researcher may contact you about relevant research opportunities.
  • You can contact us to let us know if you would be interested in hearing about research opportunities.
  • You can speak with your clinician, and they can refer you to us.

What does being a study participant typically involve?

  • Having a one-off appointment or multiple visits. These could take place at home or at a clinic.
  • Taking a medication or taking part in a therapeutic intervention with a therapist or completing a questionnaire.
  • Completing assessments such as scans, medical reviews, blood tests or cognitive assessments, but this depends on the type of study.
  • We usually ask a study partner (a friend or family member who know the participant well) to take part and provide information too.

Count Me In

Everyone who has used Oxford Health services has the opportunity to hear about research unless they tell us they do not want to receive this information.

You may be contacted about relevant research opportunities for up to five years. Participation in research is always voluntary. Choosing not to take part does not affect your care.

If you would prefer not to hear about research opportunities, you can tell us by phone (leave a message on 01865 902 013) or email

General guidance: Contact us

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters,
Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XN

Become a member of our Foundation Trust:

Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2024

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