Information for carers and trusted people

Who we are

The Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT) is a specialist team dedicated to supporting people who are in an acute mental health crisis.

The team aims to prevent admission to hospital and/or to facilitate early discharge from inpatient wards.

It is important to recognise and acknowledge that caring for and supporting someone who is going through a period of crisis can be difficult. You may experience uncertainty, distressing emotions, or feelings of powerlessness.

We aim to support carers as well as the people on our caseload. This can be in the form of a one-to-one carer support session or providing resources and guidance in accessing specialist support.

What does crisis care look like?

We support individuals for a brief period, up to 6 weeks, providing intensive support within their own home.

Visits will be daily to begin with. They will reduce to alternative days as less intensive intervention is needed, and service users are closer to discharge. Together, we can plan a comprehensive range of interventions:

  • Developing a crisis and safety plan
  • Problem solving
  • Psychological support
  • Understanding and managing diagnoses or difficulties
  • Understanding medication
  • Maintaining and improving social support networks and relationships
  • Helping with access to the best appropriate support with social issues such as; housing, benefits or criminal justice issues.

Your voice

Our phone lines are there to support the service users we work with, but also the carers and trusted people.

If you feel like you need support from our team or feel that there is important information you need to share with us, please contact us.

We cannot necessarily share information with you, but we will always gratefully receive information.

We encourage and value carer involvement as part of our team, as this helps us provide the best holistic care for our service users.

Telephone: 01865 904 996


Our team


The nursing team is involved in comprehensive assessment of service user’s mental state and care needs to formulate individualised care plans.

We can offer service users with advice on medication as well as supervise and support administration, where necessary. We regularly assess risk and compile a management plan to ensure service user safety.

When treatment is coming to an end, we will be involved in signposting and onwards referrals to longer term support services to meet care needs.


The psychology team support service users to make sense of their current crisis, understand why it may have occurred, and deliver brief psychological interventions.

We also help service users to access the most appropriate longer term psychological support.

The psychology team support wider team implementation of psychosocial interventions delivered by all CRHTT members.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Sometimes, when we are struggling, it can be difficult to care for ourselves, complete our daily tasks, and engage in enjoyable activities.

Our aim within OT is to help our service users improve in these areas, by focusing on what is meaningful to them and their wellbeing.

Psychiatry Doctors

The psychiatrists are responsible for medical reviews and medication prescribing.

Medical reviews are a great time for service users to ask questions about medications and discuss any concerns.

We are also available to discuss and monitor any physical health concerns and help coordinate current and future care whilst under the CRHTT.

Senior Support Workers

The senior support workers will walk alongside our service users whilst they try to regain mastery over their lives. We support implementation of coping strategies and relapse prevention skills.

We are here to help enact an action plan for when things become difficult and practice these strategies along with you.

Further information

We understand that this can be a difficult and confusing time. Carers and trusted people may feel that they need more information at these times.

Please contact the team if you would like any further information on topics such as low mood, anxiety, PTSD, self-harm, hearing voices, psychosis, or other topics.

Please feel free to send this leaflet on to other friends or family members who might benefit from this information.

We would really value feedback on the service you have received from CRHTT, please scan the QR code below.

Your feedback will support us to make changes to improve our service.

General guidance: Contact us

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters,
Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XN

Become a member of our Foundation Trust:

Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2024

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