Crisis and Home Treatment Service (CAHTS)
Sections in this leaflet
Information for young people
What CAHTS does
CAHTS support young people under the age of 18 and their families during a mental health crisis.
We can be flexible around what and how we support you and your family.
This may be supporting you and/or your family in your home, face to face meetings at school or wherever you feel comfortable, in addition to contact over the phone/email. Our work is short but intensive. We often will see you for two to six weeks with a minimum of two contacts a week. The support you receive from CAHTS is offered on the understanding that you agree to work with the team.
Meet the team
Our team includes psychologists, family therapists, specialist nurses, mental health practitioners and mental health support workers. The person that supports you will depend on what your needs are at the time. We aim for you to see the same person (or people) at each appointment, as we know how important it is for you and the team member to get to know and trust each other. However, you may receive phone calls and check-ins from other members of the team if it is a weekend, bank holiday, or in the evening.
Why am I seeing someone from CAHTS?
You may experience a time in your life or treatment when things that have helped you feel better no longer feel they are working. It may be that you have been receiving support and treatment for sometime and feel ‘stuck’. At these times the CAHTS service can become involved. Our team can also help you when you need more support and may need to become an inpatient. If you do find yourself as an inpatient, we can be there for you when the time is right for you to return home.
Why is my family/carer seeing someone from CAHTS?
Sometimes when you are struggling emotionally, your family and carers around you can find it hard to know how best to support you. The CAHTS team can get to know your family and the people that are important to you. This can often help them feel able to support you at home and in between your meetings with the team.
The support you need will be talked through with you and the adults who already know and support you. We aim to work closely with people around you and will not replace the professionals who know you best and already play a large part in your care. If you have a CAMHS worker, they will continue to be a part of your care. The care you receive will be unique to you. We will think about what you need to help you through what can feel like a really difficult time and how we can best support you and those around you.
Staff will keep the details of your care confidential (this means we will keep it private) However, to offer you the best care and support we may share information with other CAHTS staff. Occasionally when staff have concerns about your safety or the safety of others, we may need to break confidentiality. When this happens, we will, when possible, talk this through with you. We will also ask you what information you are happy for us to share and with who.
Comments, feedback, and complaints
The CAHTS team welcomes any feedback that you and your family/carer have. Listening to comments, feedback and complaints helps us improve the care we provide to you and others being supported by CAHTS. Everyone in CAHTS will be happy for you to share your comments, suggestions, and feedback with them. If at any time you are concerned about your treatment by staff, the patient and liason service (PALS) can be contacted on: 0800 328 7971 or by email at
Your CAHTS worker is: …………………………………………………………………
Tel no.: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact Information
If you need mental health support or advice, you can reach CAMHS Monday – Friday on:
- 09:00 – 17:00: 01865 903422
- 17:00 – 09:00: 0800 023 2133
Weekends and Bank Holidays:
- 0800 023 2133
- Call 999
Other support available:
- Childline (24/7 call service): 0800 1111
- Samaritans (24/7 call service) 116 123
- SHOUT (24/7 texting service): 85258
- Kooth (website chat service):
General guidance: Contact us
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters,
Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XN
- Switchboard: 01865 901 000
- Email:
- Website:
Become a member of our Foundation Trust:
Page last reviewed: 31 May, 2024