Children and young people leaflets & posters
Accessible leaflets
This page contains legacy leaflets in PDF format which may not fully comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Please see the leaflet library index for accessible leaflets.
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
- CAMHS family therapy and consultation
- CAMHS community mental health team
- CAMHS Melksham
- CAMHS Marlborough
- Oxfordshire Learning Disability CAMHS
- Buckinghamshire Learning Disability CAMHS
- CAMHS psychotherapy
- CAMHS Bucks self-referral poster
- Weigh Forward Bucks info for professionals
- Child and adolescent eating disorder – general information
- Eating Disorders – Family Based Approach
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders
- Multi-Family therapy (MFT) for eating disorders
- CAMHS young persons information leaflet
- FCAMHS information for parents
- FCAMHS information for young people
- FCAMHS information for professionals
- FCAMHS South West information for parents
- FCAMHS South West information for young people
- FCAMHS South West information for professionals
- Horizon information for young people
- Horizon information for professionals
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
- Bucks safeguarding children guidance (poster hardcopy)
- CAHBS parents information leaflet
- CAHBS professionals information leaflet
- ReConnect information leaflet
- Your guide to transitioning from Buckinghamshire CAMHS
- Specialist CAMHS housing pathway
- Transition to primary school
- GMH (Getting More Help) – service information
- Skill up for life workshops
- Primary age mental health support team – BaNES
- Wiltshire Mental Health Support Team
- Anxiety and CBT group leaflet
- ASD pack for parents and carers
- Neurodevelopmental Conditions Service (NDC)
- NDC – what to expect from your child’s assessment
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Primary child and adolescent mental health services (PCAMHS)
Other formats
Speech and language therapy (SLT)
- Speech and language therapy in Oxfordshire
- Speech and language therapy in Buckinghamshire
- What to expect from your first visit
- Oxfordshire SLT for children aged 6 years and above
- SLT for deaf children
- Community feeding clinic
Community Services
- Health Visiting
- Integrated therapy services for children and young people in Oxfordshire
- Children’s community occupational therapy services: North, City, South
- Children’s community physiotherapy
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Community Play Specialists
- Children’s Community Nursing Service Oxfordshire
- Oxfordshire Salaried Dental Services
- Children’s occupational therapy discharge
- Bladder & Bowel Service for Children – Constipation Discharge Plan
- Making a start – Children’s bladder and bowel control booklet
- A guide to developing toilet skills
- Children’s integrated therapies – equipment
- Low Bone Mineral Density (LBMD)
Oxfordshire Community Dental Service leaflets
- Care of the mouth after surgical procedure
- Top tips for terrific teeth Oxford
- Top tips for terrific teeth Slough
- Water water everywhere poster
- Fluoride
- Easy read Keeping Your teeth healthy
- Three steps poster
School nursing information
- Implant fitting and removal
- Injectable contraceptives
- Patient information leaflet for Ulipristal
- Levonorgestrel 1500 info leaflet
- Migraines and combined hormonal contraceptives
- Different ways to take the combined pill
- Patient info for treatment of Chlamydia with Doxycycline
- Patient info for treatment of Chlamydia with Azithromycin
- College Nurses – flyer
- Primary school health nurses – information for parents & carers for children in reception
- End of Life Community children’s nursing support
Inpatient and Regional
- Website: Cotswold House Eating Disorder Service
- Website: Highfield (adolescent inpatient unit)
General guidance: Contact us
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Headquarters,
Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4XN
- Switchboard: 01865 901 000
- Email:
- Website:
Become a member of our Foundation Trust:
Page last reviewed: 1 August, 2014