Find Us

The Interventional Psychiatry Service (IPS) is based at the Warneford Hospital in Oxford in two buildings: Main Hospital, and POWIC (Prince of Wales International Centre).


Warneford Hospital
Warneford Lane



The best way to contact us is by email through the following email addresses:

If your query is urgent please call 01865 903524



Visitor parking is in directly in the front of the main hospital, or immediately on the left as you enter the hospital site with the pay machine by the entrance of Warneford Hospital.

Hospital transport

The Interventional Psychiatry service cannot arrange hospital transport for your appointments. If you anticipate travel difficulties, please discuss this with your care coordinator.

On arrival

When you arrive in the POWIC building, please press the button “IPS” only, in the intercom outside the door.

If you cannot get into the POWIC building, please phone 01865 903524. Alternatively, go back to the main hospital reception and ask them to call us.

You could also ask for the ECT suite or for Ketamine infusion session in the main building, which is just past the café at the end of the main corridor of the main building.

Page last reviewed: 28 October, 2024