Families and carers
A carer is anyone who cares for a family member or friend who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. The care they provide is unpaid.
Getting Involved
Why get involved?
- To use personal experiences of healthcare to help improve quality
- To give opinions in a measured way
- To use skills to improve healthcare services
- Used lived experiences to empower others and educate staff
- Have a keen interest in bringing about service improvement and being eager to make a difference
What can I get involved in?
- Interviewing potential new staff members
- Presenting your carers journey to help the trust learn from your experiences
- Reviewing and developing essential information such as leaflets, posters, websites and films to ensure they are inclusive of carers needs
- Being part of a steering group or project meeting to ensure the carers voice is part of the decision making
- Participating in a focus group to give views on a specific topic
Non-urgent advice: Get in touch
Please contact Di Hilson, the trust’s Carers Lead if you would like to register to be kept up to date with involvement opportunities.
- Email: Diane.Hilson@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
- Phone: 07775 816 646
Page last reviewed: 22 January, 2025