Adult and older adult mental health

Bucks Voice

Bucks voice is a service user and carer forum, focussed on user involvement and co-production, for those who use or have used the adult and older adult mental health services in Buckinghamshire.

The group meets on the first Friday of every month and this is held on Microsoft Teams, as well as in person (alternating between High Wycombe and Aylesbury).

There is a varied agenda, consisting of items identified by the group, questions and topics brought by staff within the trust and discussion on topical issues or ongoing projects.

Eating Disorder forum

The eating disorders forum is a trust wide monthly meeting for those who have an eating disorder or eating difficulties, that live in the area covered by Oxford Health eating disorder services (Bucks, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, Swindon and North East Somerset).

The group contributes to a variety of projects and has opportunities to be part of co-production across the eating disorder services within the trust.

The group meet on a Wednesday or Thursday evening, alternating every other month, and this is held on Microsoft Teams.

For more information please contact or

Our Voice

Awaiting content (Liam).

Thinking Neurodivergent

Awaiting content (Liam).

Page last reviewed: 11 July, 2023