Positive parenting and managing your child’s emotions

The importance of the first 1001 days

Baby Brain Facts

The first 1011 days – early relationships

Infant Mental Health and why it matters

Positive behaviour support

Parenting – Top Tips: Family Links

Resources for Parents | Family Links |

Positive-behaviour-support-and-how-it-can-be-helpful: Institute of Health Visiting

Using-positive-statements-to-guide-our-children: Institute of Health Visiting

This is a helpful leaflet on positive parenting at all ages from the NSPCC

Courses for parents and carers

The Solihull Approach team at “Our Place” run a free course for parents about understanding the impact of the pandemic on children. The Solihull Approach is an evidence based way of understanding and relating to your child while also support your own emotional wellbeing.

You can access the free course here:

Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child

Helping your child manage their emotions

NHS dealing with child behaviour problems: Dealing with child behaviour problems – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Here are some helpful tips on managing children’s emotions and common difficulties in the early years, including sleep:  Common Difficulties In Early Years Children & Babies | Common Mental Health Difficulties Early Years | Anna Freud Centre

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety NHS: Separation anxiety – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Toddler tantrums

Managing “toddler tantrums”: Temper tantrums – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Page last reviewed: 26 April, 2023