Healthy diet and nutrition
A healthy diet for your toddler
What To Feed Your Baby | 12 months plus | Weaning | Start for Life (
NHS healthy recipes: Recipes – Healthier Families – NHS (
Encouraging your child to eat vegetables: Institute of Health Visiting
Sugar Smart: About Sugar | Sugar Smart UK
First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity who endeavour to fill practical and policy-relevant information gaps and provide resources supporting eating well from pre-conception to five years.
Eating Well Recipe Book: First Steps Nutrition Trust
Eating well in the early years: Eating well early years — First Steps Nutrition Trust
Good food choices and portion sizes for 1-4 year olds: First Steps Nutrition Trust
Eating Well snacks for 1-4 year olds: First Steps Nutrition Trust
Packed Lunches for 1-4 year olds: First Steps Nutrition Trust
Eating well on a budget
Eat well, spend less | British Dietetic Association (BDA)
The BBC has some useful guides to eating on a budget for a variety of dietary requirements.
Budget recipes and advice – BBC Food
Eating healthy on a tight budget: 6 top tips – BHF
Some tips to save money on food – British Nutrition Foundation
Eat well, spend less | British Dietetic Association (BDA)
Oxfordshire’s Sustainable Food Network | Good Food Oxfordshire
Some supermarkets are selling fruit and veg boxes for as little as £2.
HENRY provides a wide range of support for families from pregnancy to age 12 including workshops, programmes, resources and online help. All of their support for families is underpinned by the HENRY approach to supporting behaviour change which helps parents gain the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to help the whole family adopt a healthier, happier lifestyle and to give their children a great start in life. Find out more about HENRY and the support they offer in Oxfordshire here:
How to continue breastfeeding
Here is a helpful video on how to continue breastfeeding when your child has started solid foods
Fussy eaters
It’s natural to worry about whether your child is getting enough food if they refuse to eat sometimes, here’s some helpful information from the NHS.
Fussy eaters – NHS (
Healthy Start food vouchers and vitamins
Healthy Start: (help to buy healthy food and milk): Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)
Healthy Start Easy Read: Easy Read leaflet – Photography.pdf
Vitamins for children: Getting vitamins – Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)
Food allergies
Managing food allergies: How-to-manage-food-allergies-in-children-under-5-years
Constipation in children: Constipation in children – NHS (
Choking – Child Accident Prevention Trust (
When to weigh your child
Recommendations from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health:
For a well-baby, they only need to be weighed at the time of routine checks and injections (that is at around 2, 3, 4 and 13 months of age). Your child will usually only be weighed more often than these recommendations if there are concerns about their health or growth.
Some parents ask to have their children weighed more often than this for reassurance that their child is healthy. Regular weighing is not always helpful, and can cause unnecessary worry especially if over a short period of time. This is why it is recommended that babies should preferably be weighed at the times recommended above and not be weighed more often than every 2 months up to 1 year of age, and no more than every 3 months after that, unless there are special reasons.
Your child will usually only be weighed more often than these recommendations if there are concerns about their health or growth.
Page last reviewed: 14 July, 2023