Classes of information
The sort of information that you can ask for is grouped into the broad categories outlined below.
# | Name | Description |
1 | The NHS and how we fit | Planning documents outlining how we fit into the NHS structure. |
2 | Who we are | Details of our Trust, organisational structures and key personnel. |
3 | Financial and funding | Funding details, charging policies and financial accounts. |
4 | Corporate information | Reports, policies, minutes of meetings and business plans. |
5 | Aims, targets and achievements | Financial targets, aims and objectives and key performance indicators (See also Class 9). |
6 | Our services | The range of services that we provide for the NHS and how we deliver these. |
7 | Reports and independent enquiries | Independent inspections and findings regarding our Trust. Please see Resources for a list of bodies which monitor and inspect us. |
8 | Policies and procedures | General policies and procedures we use. These include, but are not restricted to, human resources, prescribing and prescription, health and safety. |
9 | Public involvement and consultation | Details of consultation procedures, decision-making processes, timescales and responses. Consultations in progress and how you can become involved. |
10 | Regular publications and information for the public | Guidance and information leaflets. |
11 | Complaints | Policies, procedures and contacts for complaints. |
12 | Human Resources | Employment policies and procedures. |
13 | Communications with the press and media releases | Our releases to the press and the media. |
14 | Environmental information | Our estate and land holdings, and the uses they currently enjoy. Information required to be placed in the public domain as a result of the Environmental Information Regulations, any Environmental Enforcement action and associated information (see also Introduction to Publication Scheme). |
15 | The Publication Scheme | In this class we will publish any changes we make to the Publication Scheme, the criteria on which our information management policies are made and a referral point for all enquires regarding information management generally in our Trust. We will also publish any proposed changes or additions to publications already available. |
16 | (Optional class) Archive deposits | The archives of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and its predecessor/constituent bodies are held in an approved Place of Deposit by Oxfordshire Health Archives at the Trust. Access to the archives under this Publication Scheme is through the public access provisions of Oxfordshire Health Archives:Oxfordshire Health Archives Warneford Hospital Warneford Lane Oxford OX3 7JX Telephone: 01865 738661 Email: omht.archives@oxfordhealth.nhs.ukInformation can be found at www.oxfordshirehealtharchives.nhs.ukThese archives are no longer required for the business purposes of OBMH and have been selected for permanent preservation in accordance with Department of Health Guidelines.Some records are subject to closure periods for the protection of personal information. |
The publications are all free unless otherwise indicated within each Class. Where information is provided at a cost, the charges will be calculated as set out in Class 15.
The Trust’s commitment to publish information excludes any information which can legitimately be withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS Openness Code or the Freedom of Information Act. Where individual Classes are subject to exemptions, the main reasons are the protection of commercial interests and personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998, for example. This applies to all Classes within the Publication Scheme.
Page last reviewed: 6 November, 2023