Media enquiries

Our communications and engagement team handles all media enquiries on behalf of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

What to expect

Our aim is to work with the media positively and proactively.

On rare occasions, where the enquiry is of a highly sensitive or complex nature this might take slightly longer, but we will always work with you to ensure deadlines are met.

Non-urgent advice: Patient confidentiality

Patient confidentiality is our priority.

We are therefore unable to disclose any information about a patient unless we are given permission by the individual.

We are also unable to share information about a patient’s treatment, care or diagnosis.


Interviews, filming or photography is prohibited on or around trust sites and needs our prior permission.

To obtain permission, or to arrange an interview with trust staff, please contact the communications and engagement team who will be happy to help with your request.

Non-urgent advice: How to contact us

Communications team:

To contact the team please email:

Contacting us out-of-hours

For urgent media enquiries out of hours, please contact our main switchboard on 01865 901000 and ask to speak to the duty director. Out of hours are:

  • Monday to Thursday, 5.00pm to 9.00am
  • Friday 5.00pm to Monday 9.00am

The duty director will link in with the on-call communications and engagement manager as required.

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