

You are welcome and encouraged to visit your friend or relative during their stay on the ward.

General considerations regarding visiting:

  • Visiting can be facilitated seven days per week.
  • To ensure that wards can adhere to social distancing and reduce the risk of spread of infection we need to restrict the number of visitors within a patient bay/on the ward.  Therefore, we ask that you restrict visitors to 2 people at one time. At popular times you may be requested to keep your visit time to one hour to allow for other patients within the same room to have the opportunity to receive their visitors on that day.
  • Visiting times vary on each ward – please contact the ward directly for this information.  The times will also be provided to your friend or relative on admission. During peak times, you may be asked to book your visiting time (please see infection control information below).
  • We aim to avoid visitors at mealtimes and therapy times where possible* (see below for exception).
  • Children may visit at the discretion of the ward team but they must be supervised at all times.  There may be some circumstances where this is not appropriate.
  • Infection control guidance below must be followed at all times.
  • There are special considerations for patients who may require additional support due to the nature of their illness or condition, or if they are nearing the end of their life. Please speak with the ward team for further information as to when you may visit in these circumstances.

*Some close relatives may also like be to be involved with aspects of patient care on the ward, such as involvement in therapy sessions, and to assist with personal care or feeding where appropriate. Please do speak with the nurse or therapist if you would like to be part of this.

Infection control

Keeping our patients, their visitors, and our staff safe

We take infection control and prevention very seriously.   All visitors will be asked to wash their hands, dry them thoroughly and use alcohol gel before and after a visit. This will be made available at all ward entrances. Visitors do not need to wear a mask (except in certain circumstances as outlined below) however they may choose to do so. These are available on the ward for your use.

Visitors will be asked to wear a mask if you are visiting a patient with suspected/known COVID-19 infection. You will be informed if your friend or relative has a known COVID-19 infection (with their permission) as you may choose not to visit at this time. If there is an outbreak within the ward area there may be further restrictions imposed upon visiting which the ward will inform you of.

Please do not visit the ward if you are unwell. Anyone exhibiting any features of coronavirus must not visit the wards.

In addition, if you or an immediate member of your family have been suffering with diarrhoea and/or vomiting you must not visit until you have been symptom free for 72 hours.

Social distancing

To ensure that wards can adhere to social distancing and reduce the risk of spread of infection we may need to restrict the number of visitors within a patient bay at any one time.  Therefore, at popular times you may be requested to keep your visit time to one hour to allow for other patients within the same room to have the opportunity to receive their visitors on that day.

The staff will happily try to facilitate longer visits where possible. They may make use of alternative rooms or advise visiting outside as and when the weather permits. We understand that a restriction of time may cause some inconvenience, however the staff will try to support when possible. We promote equity for all our patients and thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Visits by people with existing health conditions and the risk of COVID

The safety of patients, visitors and our staff will be protected as much as is practicably possible with all these measures in place. Clinical features of coronavirus may take up to 72 hours to develop during which time the patient may be infectious. Risk cannot be eradicated completely.

Visitors with specific risks, including the older person and those with more than one health condition/illness (for example heart disease and diabetes), must be reminded that visiting patients within a hospital ward may pose a personal risk.

Virtual visits

If you are not able to visit for any reason all the wards have a phone available which you are more than welcome to call. There is one phone per ward for patients, so please call back if it is already in use.  The numbers will be given to you when your relative or friend is admitted to ensure that you are able to stay in contact.  We can also provide an iPad so you can video call your family member or friend whilst they are in hospital.

Please speak to a member of the ward team for more help.

Support and advice

Ward staff will always be available during your visit to offer support and advice and to answer any questions that you have.

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