Your child’s Occupational Therapy journey
If your child has been referred to the Occupational Therapy Team and their referral has been accepted, this is what their episode of care may involve.
Who will refer my child to your service?
Your child will usually be referred by the paediatrician, GP or their school. Where possible we aim to see your child within 18 weeks.
Where will you see my child?
Your child may be seen at an NHS site, at home or at school. An initial discussion will focus on your child’s identified functional needs and if a follow up is required a plan of what this will involve will then be made.
How will my child be assessed?
Occupational Therapist’s will assess many aspects of your child’s participation and function in everyday tasks. They may have difficulty in participating in the activities they need and want to do everyday.
We focus on how a child uses their hands, as they help with many tasks like dressing, writing, eating.
We make observations and informal assessment throughout each session, whether this is an initial assessment or a follow up session. We may also use standardised assessment tools where appropriate to guide our decision making on the best advice or strategies for your child.
We aim to provide appropriate strategies to work towards clear goals focusing on your child’s daily functional skills and wellbeing.
How often will you see my child?
This will vary and depend on what your child’s goals are and how we are able to help. We will discuss this with you following the initial assessment and as appropriate as part of ongoing follow up within their episode of care.
What else may be provided as part of my child’s episode of care?
- We may recommend home based programmes which aim to integrate therapy into everyday life activities, we will support you to work on these with advice and appropriate recommendations.
- We will also offer advice to school staff who may also carry out parts of the suggested programme of activities.
- We sometimes provide specialist equipment to help your child develop, including those that need 24 hour postural management for children with complex needs.
- Both Occupational Therapists and Therapy Assistants may work with your child.
- We also sometimes offer group work for some children.
- We can signpost you to other services that we feel may benefit your child.
Will you discharge my child?
The length of time an episode of care remains open will depend on the following. Progress towards their goals, if any ongoing needs are identified that require further input or if the advice can continue to be implemented by family or others supporting your child. You may find that your child is discharged from us and the episode of care is closed however this does not mean that we can’t be involved again in the future. If a child’s needs change there may be a need for further OT advice or input again and you can get back in touch with us.
Non-urgent advice: Further information
I have more questions. Who should I speak to?
Please speak to your therapist about any questions you have however big or small.
Alternatively, our admin team can redirect your queries:
Page last reviewed: 16 February, 2023