Triangle of Care

Working together

We have adopted a national initiative called the Triangle of Carewhich is a therapeutic alliance between service users, staff and carers that promotes safety, supports recovery and sustains wellbeing.

When all three parties work together they create the triangle of care most likely to optimise safety, opportunity and recovery for the service user and be most helpful for the carer.

Sharing knowledge

Carers have the knowledge and expertise about the person they care for and therefore should be active and equal partners in the delivery of care wherever possible.

The Triangle of Care outlines six key standards that are designed to make sure families, friends and carers are better involved and informed in the provision of care and supported in their caring role. We are working to ensure these six key elements are embedded in our everyday practice:

  • Carers and their essential role are identified at first contact, or as soon as possible afterward.
  • Staff are ‘carer aware’ and trained in carer engagement strategies.
  • Policy and practice protocols for confidentiality and sharing information are in place.
  • Defined post(s) responsible for carers are in place.
  • A carer introduction to the service and staff is available, with a relevant range of information across the acute care pathway.
  • A range of carer support is available.

Non-urgent advice: Triangle of Care

For more information on the Triangle of Care, please visit the Carers’ Trust website: Triangle of Care Membership Scheme in England

Supporting our patients, families and carers

Having successfully applied the key standards of the Triangle of Care across our mental health services, we achieved the ‘two star’ rating in 2015.

Triangle of Care Leaflet Carers, Friends and Family

Triangle of Care Leaflet for Patients/Service Users

Further information

For more information about Oxford Health’s work with the Triangle of Care, please email us at

Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2024