- Welcome
- All about CAMHS
- Good advice
- What is mental health?
- Anxiety
- Autism (ASD)
- Bereavement
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression and mood disorders
- Eating disorders
- Gender Identity
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Personality disorders
- Poor sleep
- Psychosis
- Hearing voices
- Emotional wellbeing for young people with learning disabilities
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Self-harm
- Sexuality
- Sleep and our mental health
- Suicidal thoughts
- Trauma
- Useful links
- Good reads
- Cool apps
- Videos
- Getting involved
- Parents and carers
- Helping my child
- Helping my family
- Helping myself
- Family Ambassador service
- About the team
- Managing tier 4 admission
- Financial help
- Education
- Eating disorders
- Autism
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Selective mutism
- Schizophrenia & Psychosis
- Hearing voices
- Attachment differences and personality disorders
- Challenging behaviour
- Managing Self-harm
- Siblings
- Carers
- Patient stories
- Feedback
- Printable resources
- Resources
- Understanding and coping with anxiety
- Understanding and coping with poor sleep
- A parents’ guide to supporting children and young people with ADHD and autism
- Supporting a young person after a traumatic event
- Advice for parents and carers of young people with eating disorders
- All things ADHD
- Autism (ASD) fact sheets
- Fighting back depression and low mood
- Internet safety advice for parents
- Your services
- Bath
- Eating disorders
- Bath and NE Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire
- Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire & Berkshire
- Bath & NE Somerset
- Attending your appointment
- Buckinghamshire
- Video guides to CAMHS
- Targeted Pathway
- Child & Adolescent Harmful Behaviour Service (CAHBS)
- Bucks Mental Health Support Team
- Crisis / Outreach
- Dynamic Support Facilitation Team
- Early Intervention Service
- Getting More Help
- Intellectual Disabilities team
- Adopted and Care Experienced Team (ACE)
- Neurodevelopment
- CAMHS Referrals (Single Point of Access)
- Oxfordshire
- AnDY Research Clinic
- CAMHS Learning Disability Service
- Community services
- Inpatient service (Highfield Unit)
- Mental Health Support Team
- Neurodevelopmental conditions
- Neuropsychiatry service
- Outreach Service (OSCA)
- School In-Reach Team (SIR)
- Self-help resources
- Services for high risk young people
- Supportive Steps
- Pre-referral screening questionnaire
- Swindon
- Wiltshire
- Elsewhere
- CAMHS Tier 4
- Should I make a referral to CAMHS?
- Locations: The Clock House
- Referrals
- Get support
- Contact us
- News and updates
- Sitemap
- Terms & Conditions
- Accessibility
- Other languages
- Credits