Advice for young people
This page contains tips and advice for young people who believe they may have an eating disorder, for general information visit our Eating Disorders main page.
Tips on eating healthily
All young people are growing, so it is crucial that you eat regular nourishing meals to give you energy. If you are also doing a lot of activity, you will need to eat more to keep up with your energy needs.
Eat regular meals
If you skip meals you’ll get hungry at other times and may end up feeling out of control of your eating.
Eat balanced meals
Fats, vegetables, protein, fruit, dairy, carbohydrates: our bodies and brains need all of these to be healthy.
Eat everything in moderation
Don’t ban foods: you’ll end up craving them.
Eat together as a family
Exercise is a crucial aspect of young people’s lives. It promotes physical fitness and can lift mood and help in managing emotions. It is also a great way to socialise and connect with others.
However, occasionally, a you may start to exercise in an obsessional way with the aim of weight loss. You may start going to the gym for long periods of time or for long runs, swims or cycle rides. If this behaviour continues it can become a habit which is difficult to break. Obsessional exercise can also lead to injuries.
Body image
It’s really common for young women to be unhappy about the way they look. This can affect young men too, but is more common in girls and women. Exposure to underweight models and images can make you less happy with you own appearance, and so can negative talk about bodies and weight, and being picked on or bullied about weight.
Feeling unhappy about the way your body looks puts you at risk for eating disorders, obesity and low mood.
If you have a negative view of your body, and you want to be more positive about the way you look, remember:
- the media manipulates images – no one really looks like the women in magazines, not even the models themselves (this is true of Facebook and Instagram too – most young people modify photos of themselves before they post them online)
- try to avoid focusing on your appearance, remember that your appearance and weight are not your most valuable characteristics
- eat a healthy balanced diet, where possible with family, and take exercise in a safe and healthy way – not all eating disorders involve weight loss: binge eating, vomiting and excessive concern about shape and weight are symptoms of eating disorders too
- avoid fashion and gossip magazines or websites, and consider who you follow on social media – exposure to underweight images leads to seeing yourself as larger and feeling less happy with your body, and can lower your self-esteem
Social media
Social media can be great for connecting with other people, but it can have a confusing and even dangerous side with regards to eating disorders. For tips and advice on using social media, follow the link below.
When to seek help
It can be hard to know when to ask someone for help – maybe you worry you’d be wasting their time, or it would mean admitting that there is a problem. However, you are more likely to get better if you ask for help early so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re worried: eating disorders are serious illnesses and can be life-threatening.
The sooner you address an eating disorder the better, as habits can become entrenched.
Eating disorders are hard to fight alone, it can be helpful to talk things over with a supportive friend, or to speak to the eating disorder charity Beat. Their helplines offer support and information about eating disorders and difficulties with food, weight, and shape, but to access healthcare you need to see a professional.
Talking to someone about your worries, no matter how small or silly you think they are can really help to change the things you don’t like about your life. There are lots of people who can help, you just need to ask. You can:
Talk to your parents
Talk to your parents and let them know how you are feeling. Your parents can get advice from our service. They can visit our referral page for details.
Talk to another adult
Talk to an adult you know outside the family. You might find it easier to speak to your school nurse, a teacher, or another adult you know well.
Speak to your doctor
Book an appointment at your local doctors’ surgery and discuss your worries with your GP. It can be difficult to be honest about exactly what might be bothering you but the more information your GP has, the more easily they will be able to find you the right help. GPs are the first step to accessing specialist support.
You can also speak to a GP if you are worried about a loved one although, due to issues around confidentiality, there will be limits on what they can share with you.
Alternatively, you can:
- Call our service on 01865 902515. We will listen to your worries without judgment, and think with you about what help is available.
If you notice any of the following, medical assessment is crucial:
You may also notice the following:
- Fainting or having “funny turns”
- You are over-exercising
- You are persistently unhappy
If you see the family doctor he/she will talk to you, assess your physical health, and usually do a blood test.
Recovering from an eating disorder
Advice from other young people
Further resources
- b-eat is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight and shape. They also have a section on book reviews.
- Men Get Eating Disorders Too is a charitable organisation that seeks to raise awareness of eating disorders in men and to support sufferers, carers and their families.
- Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairburn – a self-help guide for people who think they might be binge eating.
- The Overcoming Bulimia Workbook by McCabe, McFarlane and Olmsted – a self-help guide for individuals with symptoms of bulimia nervosa
- Binge Control by Cynthia Bulik – a compact guide to understanding binge-eating disorder (BED)
- Life Without Ed by Jennie Shaefer – a personal account of eating disorder recovery
Common questions young people ask
Do I have to come to CAMHS with my parents?
If you are 16 or over, we would strongly recommend that you invite your parents to the initial assessment appointment. You will be offered individual time with a clinician where you can talk about things you may not want to discuss in front of your parents.
If you require on-going treatment within our service, we can discuss with you who will be involved in your care and who will attend your CAMHS appointments.
Will anybody find out that I coming to CAMHS?
Do I have to be weighed?
Will I be forced to gain weight?
Being underweight and/or not eating enough has significant risks and consequences on your health. Please look at our body map to learn more about the effects of being underweight/not eating enough. We know that gaining weight may be a difficult experience for you and so part of the treatment will support you and your family to manage this process.
How long do I have to come to CAMHS?
How can I have an eating disorder if I am not underweight?
When will be my appointments be?
I’ve heard CAMHS aren’t a helpful service?
You may have heard from other young people or read on the internet that some young people have not found CAMHS helpful. Like all things in life, each of us experience things differently to one another. Just because your friend may have not found CAMHS helpful does not mean you will not either.
At the same time, we do recognise that some young people may find it difficult to accept they have an eating problem and do not want help from us. Our experience is that at the beginning of treatment, you may find it difficult but by the end of treatment, young people are often grateful for the help they receive from CAMHS.
A young person who has previously been in our CAMHS eating disorder service has advised us on this question and said:
‘It might be difficult at first but taking this first step is the best you can ever do.’
Page last reviewed: 20 January, 2025