Getting enough

So we know sleep is important, but are you getting enough?

If you’re not sure if you’re getting enough sleep, or you’re having trouble sleeping and can’t understand why, keeping a sleep diary can be helpful in unpicking what is happening with your sleep.

A sleep diary can help you identify patterns, track your sleep cycle, and workout how much sleep you’re getting.

The diary will help to pinpoint if you’re consistently waking at a similar time, what you’ve done that day and what you’ve eaten, and how you feel before sleeping and after waking up, and see if there’s any pattern.

Often, we make assumptions about how we sleep, believing we must have an accurate idea of how and when we sleep. However, when we start to pay more attention to our sleep, we realise this isn’t always the case! It’s important to get the facts right to know how best to improve our sleep.

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Page last reviewed: 7 February, 2024