
Visualisation and the use of imagination can support us to connect to feelings of safety, relaxation and contentment that different environments or images give us.

There are many free recordings available online talking you through different visualisation exercises. Or, you can follow the process in the guide below.

Try it out

Lie in a comfortable, relaxed position and take a few deep breaths to help release tension in your body.

Think about a place that makes you feel calm, relaxed, safe and protected. It may be a place you’ve been before, somewhere you’ve dreamed of going to, somewhere you’ve seen a picture of, or just a peaceful place you create in your mind. You could be in a beautiful garden, a beach, a meadow, or in a room in a peaceful house. You could be near the ocean, or a stream, or up in the mountains, or inside a quiet coffee shop looking out on a busy city. Think about whatever place helps you feel calm, relaxed, safe and protected.

Think about this place that helps you feel calm, relaxed, safe and protected. It is a place of safety. No one can come without your invitation.

Imagine you are there. Imagine looking around you. Notice the colours and shapes. What is it you see? Notice the ground. Is it earthy soil, rock, sand, tile? Are you barefooted? What does it feel like on your feet? What objects are around? Is there any water?trees? grass? sand? If you can see the sky, what colour is it?

Now focus on the sounds around you, or perhaps the silence.Sounds far away and those nearest to you. Those that are more noticeable and those that are more subtle. Can you hear any wind? Do you hear water? Think about the sounds. Do you hear any birds? Music? People talking? How does the ground sound when you walk on it?

Now think about the smells. What are the different scents entering your nose? Breathe in deeply and focus on the smells.

Next focus on how it feels to be there. How does your skin feel? Is there anything you can touch? What is the temperature like? Is there wind or a breeze? what does it feel like on your face? How do your eyes feel?

Allow yourself to take in all the senses, feeling calm, safe and peaceful. It is a place of safety that is always yours. Always safe and calm. You might choose to give it a name that you can use to help bring the image back any time you need to. You can stay in this place where you feel content, calm and protected for as long as you like as you drift off to sleep.

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Page last reviewed: 7 February, 2024