

If we do not exercise enough in the day, we might not use enough energy for our bodies to feel tired in the evenings.

On the flip side, whilst exercise is great in helping us sleep well, if you do it too close to bedtime, it can have the opposite effect, with the release of adrenaline and feel-good endorphins keeping us from becoming sleepy.


Try to get some exercise each day: 20 to 30 minutes is sufficient. Working out tires your body, promoting a better night’s sleep.

Releasing pent-up tension through exercise is also highly beneficial, helping to reduce stress before bedtime.

Exercising is also followed by a drop in your body’s temperature, which aids better sleep.

However, try not to exercise in the hour before bed to stop yourself becoming alert at the wrong time.

My plans to help my exercise routine




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Page last reviewed: 7 February, 2024