Worrying about sleep (or lack of sleep)


Sometimes, our anxiety at night can stem from frustrations about not being able to get to sleep, or back to sleep, and thinking about how this might impact us the next day.

If we lie in bed thinking thoughts such as “I’ll be exhausted tomorrow,” “I’ll never get to sleep,” “it’s ruining my health” or watching the clock tick by and counting down the hours we have left in the night, the effect is usually that we just get more and more tense and anxious — and therefore less likely to sleep!


Don't clock-watch

If you struggle with worrying about how long you have left to sleep, you may find it helpful to turn your clock or phone around so you can’t see the time.

Your body can’t tell the time and if clock-watching makes you anxious, this will make it easier to nod back off.

Clear your mind

Remind yourself you will fall asleep eventually. Try to clear your mind of thinking about sleep as a target.

Lying calm and relaxed in bed can be pleasant if your mind is cleared of worrying thoughts about not getting enough sleep.

If this sounds hard todo, you might find it useful to try some of the distraction techniques described later in this guide.


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Page last reviewed: 7 February, 2024