Anxiety that feels too big

Anxiety can be complex. Sometimes, even though we try different strategies to help, we just can’t seem to shake it off and it can really disrupt not only our sleep but our everyday wellbeing and enjoyment of life.

Often, the reason people come to CAMHS is because their anxiety has got too big and they’re not sure how to manage it. If this applies to you, you might want to look at our anxiety guides.

These resources are designed to start you off on your journey to understand anxiety and learn how to reduce its impact on your life.

Just like with this guide to good sleep, we hope that if you start working through the ideas in the anxiety guides, you’ll be able to talk with your CAMHS worker when you meet them about what has and hasn’t helped you — and therefore be better able to find the right focus of your CAMHS work as quickly as possible once it starts.

If your anxiety feels really big but you are not on awaiting list for CAMHS, you might want to ask your parent or guardian to support you in being referred to CAMHS.

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Page last reviewed: 7 February, 2024