Losing someone important to you is one of the hardest things to experience in life.
Bereavement is difficult no matter what your age is, but support and advice is available to help you get through it.
Your emotions after a bereavement
Grieving is a natural part of recovering from a bereavement. Everyone’s experience of grief is different. There is no set way on what we should feel, and for how long. These feelings may be very intense, particularly in the early days and weeks. Time eventually helps these intense emotions subside.
Finding support for bereavement
Talking about your grief is an important part of working through a bereavement. Who you talk to about your feelings is a very personal decision. A close friend can be a good listener and a source of comfort and support, even if they haven’t gone through this themselves.
More advice and support on bereavement
Winston’s Wish support grieving children and young people after the death of someone important.
Child Bereavement UK offer support for bereaved young people and their parents and families.
Child Bereavement UK helpline – 0800 02 888 40
Winston’s Wish helpline – 08088 020 021
Speak to your GP – if you are struggling, having trouble eating or sleeping, feeling very low. Counselling can really help after a bereavement.
Talk to your teacher – talking to a teacher you feel comfortable with if you are not coping at school can help them understand what you’re going through and take a bit of pressure off you. Special circumstances such as bereavement can sometimes be taken into account if you’re having trouble with coursework or exams.
Page last reviewed: 20 December, 2023