
It can feel isolating caring for a young person with mental health needs.  Here are some organisations who can support you.

  • Parenting Mental Health a partnering not parenting approach for parents of young people experiencing poor mental health.  There is a book, 8 week online programme or a bite-sized video course.
  • Charlie Waller Parent Carer Peer Support  The PLACE Network has groups to support parents across the country.
  • We Thrive a peer-led parent support community for those with children struggling with emotional, mental & behavioural challenges including addiction and eating disorder

Carer’s assessments

A Carer’s Assessment is the council’s way of working out if you qualify for support from them in your role as an unpaid carer.  A Carer’s Assessment is free and anyone over 18 years can request one.

Moving from child to adult care services

Registering as a carer

Registering as a carer means you can receive access to support from your local GP as well as registering for any benefits you may be eligible to as a result.  Registering as a carer can help you get your travel reimbursed in some circumstances.  The links below will take you to your local council site for registering as a carer.

Benefits for carers

Carer’s allowance is the state benefit for carers.

For more CAMHS parent information, please check out Good Advice and the Parent and Carers resources.

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Page last reviewed: 5 September, 2024