Selective mutism
Considered an anxiety disorder, a phobia of speaking. The young person will “freeze” and can’t get their words out, which is exhausting for them. The individual does not have control over it, so ‘selective’ mutism can be an unhelpful label. It is very situation based.
Child Mind Institute – How to help a child with selective mutism, a parent’s guide a complete guide to selective mutism.
Selective Mutism Information & Research Association (SMIRA) a registered charity to support families of children with selectively mute children. Designed to allow parents to feel less isolated and share ideas.
What ‘What is Selective Mutism and How Can we Help in School?’ Pooky Ponders – Big Questions with Brilliant People
How Long 22 mins
Pooky delves into the intricate world of selective mutism, a complex anxiety disorder that affects children’s ability to speak in specific social settings. She explore what selective mutism is, who it affects, and most importantly, how we can support these children in school.
For more CAMHS parent information, please check out Good Advice and the Parent and Carers resources.
Page last reviewed: 27 June, 2024