Newbold Hope
Difficult and dangerous behaviour
Does your child sometimes become violent? Is this targeted at family members? This is not your fault. Please take a look at Home – Newbold Hope which is run entirely by parents who have been through this with their own child, with strategies that are tried and tested. There are 17 training courses covering topics such as ‘Reduce Extreme Behaviour’, ‘Controlling Behaviour’, ‘Anxiety’, ‘Change Transitions Routine’, which 98% of parents have reported making them feel more confident in their parenting abilities. Training Courses – Newbold Hope
- Violent and Challenging Behaviour – The Basics is your family coping with ongoing violence and challenging behaviour (VCB) from your child with a neurodevelopmental disorder? This guide contains some basic information from a parent’s perspective.
- The Link Between Anxiety & Meltdowns describes why anxiety causes fear and ultimately aggressive behaviour in our young people, the ‘fight or flight’ behaviour.
- This is NOT Your Fault are you being heard and listened to? You are not alone. This resource discusses how to look after yourself first, when managing a child with VCB.
- Twelve Points for Professionals Difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people, why it can happen and how you can help.
How to meet your child’s difficult behaviour with compassion a TED talk by Yvonne Newbold focusing on moving from anxiety led behaviour to happier times.
Links to top 10 videos
Each of these 10 short videos looks at a different aspect of how to help and support children who have extreme behaviours. They give an insightful overview of why sometimes children can be violent, destructive, controlling or verbally abusive, and what adults can do to help them cope more calmly in the world around them. These videos are by Yvonne Newbold.
- Why it’s anxiety led and not difficult behaviour
- Why it’s not your fault
- Why traditional parenting strategies don’t work for our children
- Why Sensory Processing difficulties can impact on behaviour
- All about communication and how you can help a child
- All about routine, change and transitions
- How to reduce violent meltdowns from happening
- What to do during violent meltdowns
- How to keep going
- This one is especially for the children
Page last reviewed: 18 April, 2024