Challenging behaviour
Managing challenging behaviour in your child is a difficult and lonely place. We highlight some of the best resources and training on how to manage this behaviour.
- Newbold Hope is a charity supporting parents to reduce violent, difficult and dangerous behaviour in children and young people with a disability and/or an additional need.
- Non Violent Resistance (NVR) parenting approach an approach that helps to raise the presence of adults in a young person’s life in order to foster positive relationships.
- The Low Arousal Approach emphasises a range of behaviour management strategies that focus on the reduction of stress, fear and frustration
You can find some additional resources below:
- If only they’d listened Parents share their own family experiences of what happened because they were not listened to.
- CAPA First Response CAPA holds resources that many families experiencing Child to Parent Abuse may find useful.
- Holes in the Wall documenting parent abuse. Set up by a Social Worker with the aim of providing a space where all the information and sources of support for Child to Parent Violence can be held in one place.
- Conversation on creating a low arousal environment to reduce stress Professor Andrew McDonnell Studio III, Understanding the impact of stress on behaviour: Using low arousal approaches to reduce distressed behaviour.
The Family Ambassador Service shares these sites in the hope that the resources are helpful. We are not in a position to recommend (or otherwise) any paid for service also shared on these sites.
For more CAMHS parent information, please check out Good Advice and the Parent and Carers resources.
Page last reviewed: 17 September, 2024