Youth workers
Can you tell us about some of the things that you do with your youth worker?
Every week he takes me to do a different activity. My favourites have been Crazy golf and bowling. We have also been to a trampoline park, played golf at a driving range and sometimes we also go out to get food or a drink.
My youth worker has started taking me to the gym which I really enjoyed. Although I think he struggled a bit with it and needs to work on his fitness!
My youth worker has taken me bowling and trampolining this week. He also picks me up from school and spends time with me in the afternoon before dropping me home. I’m trying really hard at school because we’re going to do a bigger activity if my report is good!
Before you met your youth worker, were you finding anything in your life difficult?
Before I had a youth worker I didn’t really like my life very much and I struggled to leave the house. I found school really difficult and stopped attending.
I had stopped attending school as I found the work too difficult and didn’t get along with any of the teachers or other students. I felt a bit like I didn’t belong there.
My attendance at school was really low and when I was there I was struggling to behave and do what the teachers asked me to do.
Since having a youth worker would you say anything has changed in your life?
I now leave the house more. I feel more confident to go outside and spend time with other young people. I am going to school more and don’t feel as anxious about being there.
I now want to return to education. I have applied to go to college to study computer science, Math and English. I think with my youth workers support I will continue to be able to do that.
My attendance at school has got better and I have only missed a few days this term. I am also trying hard to work on my behaviour at school and at home.
What is it that you have liked about having a youth worker?
I like that he has time to listen to me. I know he will be there every week.
My youth worker is fun, has time for me and he also has a nice car!
He has really helped me to attend my school more and I like that he takes me to do activites I wouldn’t normally get to do.
If another young person asked you if they should have a youth worker from the link team what would you say?
I would tell them yes they should definitely have a youth worker!
I would tell them to give it a go as they are not like teachers and you get to do cool things!
If you like doing activities then I would say yes you should have a youth worker. I think they can really help you.
Page last reviewed: 12 January, 2024