Thames Valley Link Programme (TVLP)
The Thames Valley Link Programme (TVLP) has been established to provide extra support to children and young people who are often described as having ‘complex needs’. (You can find a description of complex needs in the ‘Who we can help tab).
The Link Programme covers Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.
The Link Programme works on the principle of understanding ‘what has happened to the young person’ and not ‘what is wrong with them’.
This short video explains what the Link Programme is and how it works:
Best practice
The programme’s approach is based on national best-practice.
The Link Teams will work with young people, their families and carers, and with wider stakeholders to deliver a service that is designed and delivered with their input.
Hub and spoke
Working in partnership with organisations from across the Thames Valley, the Link Programme is managed and overseen by Oxford Health NHS Trust. It acts as the hub and provides the programme’s strategic aims.
One of these aims is to raise awareness and greater agreement among professionals about the needs of children and young people in complex situations.
Non-urgent advice: Referrals
The Buckinghamshire Link team is live. For referrals, please download, complete and send the form to
Page last reviewed: 15 December, 2023