Student testimonials

What our students say about us

This section is dedicated to our students who have kindly written testimonial’s about Buckinghamshire Recovery College, the course and workshops they have attended, and their tutors.

If you are a happy student and would like to send us a similar testimonial, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

“I would like to say thank you for today, truly you made me feel welcome, un-judged, part of a team and most of all valued as a human being with a mental health issue. I can’t tell you how relaxed and comfortable you made me feel and I have not found this in many spaces. Your service is a diamond amongst the sand and I can’t wait to return and do more courses, I will be recommending you to all my friends.” — Dawn


“The course gave me time to fully think through, condense and formalise ‘who I now am’, the way forward and set simple targets and goals.

The finished board highlighted to me how muddled, confused and chaotic my thinking is right now and this is my next piece of work.

The 2 minute challenge worked brilliantly and has created a daily focus and a positive viewpoint. This is the start of a change to my negative thinking. I will be continuing with my gratitude journal. I have enjoyed the whole process and listening to everyone else’s “stories”. This course got me out of the house.

Thank You” — Jenny


“The college has enabled me to leave the house and attend a safe, warm and comfortable setting. It has helped me with my low mood and has helped my confidence, Carol and all the tutors are so professional, friendly and caring. I don’t go out often but the recovery college has opened a special door, I feel the space is my life line.” — Ord


“First time in 7 years I have not felt isolated, sessions run are thought provoking and allow me to develop new skills and knowledge, and best of all it’s fun.” — Carmel


“I’d like to say a BIG thank you to everyone at the college. I enjoyed all the course I undertook with you. I also enjoyed being with people that really understood me. I have taken so much information away with me and it has been a big part of my recovery.” — Kim


“The vision board sessions have given me the time to reflect on the things I want in life and given me a visual way to express this. I like the creative aspect of the course. I will put my vision board on display and look at it everyday and I will continue to add to it as I go along.” — Sarah

Page last reviewed: 24 June, 2021