Who we are


 Our dedicated team is made up of:

Duty Clinicians

Duty clinicians communicate with and assess someone who has been referred to the service. They will often be the first person to make contact; this is to discuss the referral and organise a time for a more in-depth assessment if this is needed.

Medical Team

Our medical team is lead by two Consultant Psychiatrists. A psychiatrist is a doctor who has specialist expertise in assessing, diagnosing, investigating, and treating mental health conditions. The medical team also includes qualified doctors who are training to become General Practitioners or Consultant Psychiatrists. All of these doctors may visit patients at home or in outpatient clinics and complete follow-up contacts in person, virtually or on the telephone.

Parent-Infant Support worker

The Parent-infant support worker helps parents understand the emotional need of their infants, promoting secure attachment and bonding. Using Video Interactive Guidance, we can help you understand your babies needs and increase your confidence as a parent in a supportive environment.
We work directly with families and the carers in their home and in the community, offering practical support and advice based on identified needs.

Peer Support Worker

A person who has lived experience of a service and are employed to support other patients. They can draw on their own life experiences to provide useful insights for patients, share their journey and support recovery.

Their role includes:

  • Practical and Emotional Support: providing practical and emotional support to women. This support may be in one-on-one sessions or group settings.
  • Community Access: helping women access their local community and explore available resources and groups, promoting social engagement and connection.
  • Recovery and Inclusion: promoting recovery and inclusion by sharing their own journey and insights. Their lived experience contributes to a supportive environment.
  • Addressing Social Isolation and building networks: working to address social isolation, ensuring that women feel connected and supported during their perinatal journey. Supporting women and families to access other local services, third-sector organisations and agencies.
Psychological Therapists

Our therapists support the team in helping to create psychologically informed formulations and care plans. Specific evidence-based psychological therapies used include (but are not limited to):

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
  • Behavioural Couples Therapy (BCT)
  • Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Practitioners

These professionals have a variety of backgrounds including Psychiatric Nurses, Social Workers and Occupational Therapists

Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Practitioners work collaboratively with a mother, the wider family and team to:

  • Regularly review your mental health and wellbeing
  • Care planning: set mutually agreed goals for treatment and monitor your recovery. This will include supporting the parent-infant relationship and helping to develop your confidence in the role as a mother.
  • liaising with other agencies
  • advocating on the behalf of women, when needed.
Specialist Perinatal Nursery Nurses

Specialist perinatal nursery nurses play a crucial role in supporting both mothers and babies during the perinatal period. Here are some key aspects of their work:

  • Bonding and Attachment

These nurses help mothers and babies form a secure bond and attachment. This emotional connection is essential for the baby’s well-being and development.

  • Transition to Motherhood

Nursery nurses provide guidance to new mothers as they navigate the transition to motherhood. This includes practical advice on caring for the baby, managing emotions, and adjusting to the new role.

  • Baby’s Development

Nursery nurses assist parents in understanding their baby’s behaviour, cues, and communication. They offer interventions such as infant massage sessions, Circle of Security, play sessions, and observations of newborn behaviour.

  • Parenting Advice

Practical skills related to baby care, home safety, and first aid are part of their expertise. They empower parents with knowledge and confidence.

  • Developmental Milestones

Nursery nurses provide information and guidance on important developmental milestones, including sleep patterns, feeding, and weaning.

  • Parent and baby groups

Nursery nurses help to promote and strengthen community networks and offer groups including Peers and Poppets. They may also organize visits to children’s centres, other local groups, and libraries.

Specialist Pharmacist

Specialist Perinatal Pharmacist support women, partners, carers and healthcare professionals to make informed treatment decisions during the perinatal period. Provides access to specialist medicines information, opportunities for evidence-based discussion, exploration of treatment options, optimisation of treatment plans and medicines-related communication between care providers, e.g. GPs, midwives and obstetricians. Specialist Perinatal Pharmacist offers medication reviews, pre-conceptual counselling and pregnancy and breastfeeding medication advice . Specialist Perinatal Pharmacist works with women and professionals to develop personalised treatment plans, supporting the best possible outcomes for mothers, babies and their families.


Our team is committed to the teaching and training of health and social care professionals.  Trainees are a part of our team, working under close supervision of trained staff, and are often involved in the care of our patients.

Team Administrators

The administrators perform an important role in managing new referrals and communicating between staff, patients, carers and professionals.

Team Manager

Responsible for the operational management of the Perinatal Mental Health Team.

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