What we do

The arrival of a new baby can be a time of great joy, but also a time of stress and change for body and mind. For most new parents this leads to changes in feelings and relationships and some may experience difficulties with anxiety and depression. In most cases this improves with the support of friends, family, Health Visitors, GPs or talking therapies (accessed through self-referral to Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies  (BTT).

The Buckinghamshire Perinatal Mental Health Team may be involved when more specialist help is required. We support parents-to-be and parents with issues such as severe anxiety and depression, trauma, emotional regulation difficulties, neurodevelopmental conditions (including Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) as well as Bipolar Affective Disorder, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia and Postnatal Psychosis.


  • An assessment that builds an understanding of what is important to you in your pregnancy, to inform shared care planning for the perinatal period.
  • A written letter summarising your care plan.
  • Advice on prescribing medication for mental health reasons in pregnancy and breast feeding.
  • Promoting mental wellbeing and relapse prevention in pregnancy and the postnatal period.
  • Psychologically informed care delivered by a multidisciplinary team, with access to groups and individually tailored interventions
  • Psychological therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Compassion focused Therapy, Behavioural Couples Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) and Relapse-Prevention Work
  • Parent-infant interventions tailored to the family to enhance bonding, attachment and communication.  These may include baby massage, Circle of Security and Video Interactive Guidance (VIG).
  • Support around preparing for birth and infant feeding, before and after delivery
  • Joint specialist birth planning particularly for those at particularly high risk of relapse in the perinatal period.
  • Parenting skills support including help with parent-infant activities, routine and role adjustment.
  • Peer support through weekly Peers and Poppets (parent and baby group) and walking groups.
  • Support to access Mother and Baby inpatient units when admission is needed.
  • Pre-conceptual advice for those with a history of severe mental illness who are planning a pregnancy and are taking medication which requires particular consideration in the perinatal period
  • Expert advice to non-specialist services.


We will work closely with you and other professionals to develop a treatment plan tailored to your own individual needs. Our aim is to provide the right care at the right time to support your recovery, encouraging family involvement and strengthening your bond with your child.


We will accept referrals directly from health and social care professionals such as:


Our Duty Clinician will screen your referral and contact you by phone to discuss your needs, signpost you to other services or plan an assessment.  The assessment will be in person or via a video link and will give you the opportunity to discuss the concerns you may have about your mental health. We aim to support the whole family so please feel free to bring someone else along to your appointment.

Employers have a legal obligation to allow paid time off to attend for antenatal care. This includes appointments related to pregnancy such as those with mental health services, a Health Visitor or other related professional. It also includes antenatal or parenting classes if recommended by a doctor or midwife. 


Details of your sessions will be put on your medical record. Please let us know if you do not want something you have told us shared with your GP or other members of your care team.

We will only pass on details outside the Buckinghamshire Perinatal Mental Health Team when you give permission, or if we think you are at risk of harm and we need to protect you or others.


Our team is inclusive and respectful. If there is anything we can do to make the appointment easier for you, please let us know and we will accommodate these wherever possible.

Please speak to your medical professional who is referring you to the service (for example, GP, midwife) if you have any accessibility requirements at the point of referral.

Interpreting and translation

An interpreter can be requested to be present at appointments. Written information may also be translated upon request. Please let the team know if an interpreter or translation is required.

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