Routes to market
It is trust policy to obtain three competitive quotes in writing for goods and services if the aggregate spend is between £5000 and £25000. For all purchases between £25,000 and £111,676 formal tender procedures are followed and competitive bids are invited through the trust procurement portal.
For purchases over £111,676 (spend either during the year or cumulative over four years) which are not purchased through the Department of Health, NHS, CCS (Crown Commercial Service), regional or local frameworks, the ‘European Union directives for Public Procurement’ are applicable. The directive mandates that all orders over this threshold must be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and a full EU tender process carried out by the Trust procurement department.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is a strong proponent of ‘Demand Aggregation’ and works closely with other NHS Trusts and Wider Public Sector Organizations including Crown Commercial Service (CCS) to benefit from economies of scale and the sharing of best practices to maximize savings and improve efficiencies.
To ensure compliance with Department of Health ‘Procurement Transparency’ directive the trust publishes all tendering opportunities above £25000 through the contract finder website:
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust encourages suppliers from diverse business sectors to bid for trust business. If your organisation is interested in any of the advertised opportunities please register your interest through our online portal:
If you need assistance please contact the sourcing helpdesk at 0800 368 4850 or through:
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